2 min readOct 18, 2020


I didn’t realize that I was becoming my own poison let alone yours… amidst all the rush in the race of life and career, I lost myself and my purpose in life.

Little did I realize that nothing matters more than your own health and happiness. I knew these things and was aware of it, but realization in terms of acceptance is the next challenge. I know health is important, I am aware that well being is important and work and life balance is important, but how do I do it?

Lot of people speak about the importance and even advised me of it, please don’t work so much or please take care of your health, but how? How do I change what I’ve been doing for the past 13 years? How do I shift my focus from my career to my well being over night? Wasn’t the career goal focused on my well being too? How do I strike this balance? How do I say no I cannot work anymore without thinking about my team, performance, deadlines and bosses? How does that part work?

I don’t want to be the reason for my own downfall and unhappiness. I don’t want to put it on him either because he has always told me to strike a balance…. How do I do it? Will I learn how to do it? Is this the next challenge in life or is it even so complicated as others seem to be doing it fine….

Maybe in the coming days if I figure it out I will share with you how I have overcome and achieved the right balance

